13 Of The Weirdest Jobs In The World. Guess Which One Is Not Real.

9. Chicken Sexers


Image source: www.scoopwhoop.com

It’s a Japanese art. And an important one, too. Because separating female and male chicks as soon as possible means the difference between losing money or making money. Chicken sexers can look at a little chick’s vent (umm, the rear) and determine M or F in a second or two. And for this, they earn over $50,000 annually.


10. Breath Sniffer

European appearance woman with glasses in a black shirt covering her mouth with her hands on a gray background, fright, fear
Image source: www.essentialprobiotics.com

The actual title is Breath Odor Evaluator. The job, if you choose to accept it, requires you to smell somebody’s stinky breath and rate the stench on a numerical scale…after your eyes unfog. Then you smell the person’s breath again after they use Product X. It could be gum, mouthwash, toothpaste, etc. The manufacturer needs to find out if Product X really freshens breath, and it takes a nose to find out.