13 Quick And Easy Ways To Keep Ants Away

9. Ground Cinnamon

Image source: http://www.redorbit.com

If you prefer to keep your pests alive, but away from your house, put down a thick coat of ground cinnamon. Ants do not like it. This might not work if the ants are getting in the house from a grassy area or if rain is in the immediate forecast. You can also try the wiping strategy that’s explained on 10 Home Remedies.com. Add ¼ to ½ teaspoon of cinnamon essential oil to one cup of water. Drop in a cotton ball and then use it to wipe ant-infested areas. Do this once a day until there are no more ants. Speaking of cotton balls…


10. Cotton Balls

Image source: http://www.lantianmedical.com

This strategy works for keeping ants out of plants. Put a few drops of cinnamon essential oil on a cotton ball and wedge the cotton ball wherever you want to repel ants: around the base of the flower pot, between the wall and the pot, or in cracks in the wall or ground. Use a few balls and replenish every couple days with new drops of oil. You can try wiping the wet cotton ball along entry points to the house (window sills, doors, etc.) and like with the plants, maybe it will keep the ants out of your house.