15 Presidential Quotes That Will Crack You Up


Image source: fineartamerica.com

Andrew Johnson, the Vice-President-turned 17th president after Lincoln’s assassination, said those words. Who said, “If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: President Can’t Swim.”

A) Ronald Reagan

B) Lyndon Johnson

C) Richard Nixon

Scroll down for the answer.



Image source: historyjk.blogspot

Those words come from another Johnson who filled the office of POTUS after the president was assassinated. In this case, it was John F. Kennedy. Lyndon B. Johnson, #36, wound up earning a second term. Who said, “Blessed are the young, for they will inherit the national debt.” 

A) Ronald Reagan

B) Herbert Hoover

C) Edgar Polk