This sour-tasting liquid contains acetic acid which can do so many amazing things, it’ll knock your socks off. And clean them, too.
1. Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Have some apple cider vinegar before meals. It reduces the insulin and glucose spikes that follow meals. There’s even more promising news than that. Several studies showed vinegar may help lower blood glucose levels. It gives you get the benefits of three different classes of diabetes drugs! Drink it before bed and you’ll lower your post-fasting glucose levels.
2. Unstink A Stinky Trash Can

If your trash can is smelly, pour a generous amount of vinegar on a slice of bread until it’s soaked. Next, place the bread at the bottom of the empty trash can and let it sit over night. In the morning, the trashcan will smell much better. To decrease the mess, put the bread on a paper towel or a paper plate.
3. Cleanse Your Face

Using a cotton cloth or a cotton ball, apply 50% apple cider vinegar and water to your face—after washing with soap and water but before putting on any moisturizer. It will kill bacteria that cause breakouts and exfoliate and tighten the pores. If you dab it on age spots, it can reduce them.
4. Unclog Your Drain

If you don’t want to use harmful chemicals in your sink or in the environment, here’s your answer. Pour about half a cup of baking soda down the drain followed by a cup of vinegar. Watch it foam up like a high school chemistry experiment. After the foam subsides, add hot water and your drain should clear.
5. Make All-Purpose Cleaner

You can get rid of your chemical cleaning sprays and opt for all-natural vinegar. Take an empty spray bottle and fill it 1/3 with vinegar and the rest with regular tap water. Put in a few drops of dish soap and presto: kitchen and bathroom cleaner!
6. Microwave Cleaner

Add equal parts water and vinegar to a bowl and turn on the microwave for four minutes. Use oven mitts to remove the bowl, and then wipe the insides with a clean cloth. The cleansing steam will make it very easy to wipe away any mess.
7. Cat Repellent

Cats do not like the smell of vinegar. If your cat is habitually sitting or laying someplace you do not want her to sit or lay, spray a little vinegar on the location (not on the cat.) She will quickly find a new place to reside after a busy day.
8. Hardwood Floor Cleaner

Mix white vinegar with water and you have arguably the best hardwood floor cleaner and stain remover available. Use the mixture as frequently as you’d like without fear of damaging your beautiful hardwood. Don’t worry, the vinegar smell dissipates quickly.
9. Stain Remover

Just like white vinegar will clean stains from your floors, it will get them out of your laundry, too! White vinegar can also keep your whites and vibrant colors looking brighter longer. Just add a little dollop to your load to clean and preserve your clothes naturally.
10. Remove Sticky Residue

If you pull tape or a sticker off a wall and it leaves a sticky residue, quick! Grab your white vinegar. Spray a generous amount on the sticky stuff and let it sit for a few seconds. Then scrub it away with a rag or a paper towel.
11. Fly Catcher

Fill a glass half-way with apple cider vinegar. Cover it with cling wrap tightly and slit some holes in the top. Note: these will not be exit holes. The flies will not be able to get out once they’re in. Place it where flies are common, and say good-bye to them.
12. Save Your Plants

You can save your plants from hungry insects by spraying your plants with one part vinegar and five parts water. If you want to prevent future pest problems, and to help the soil, add a tablespoon of vinegar to a full gallon watering can. Just don’t use on African violets. It will kill them.
13. Get Wrinkles Out Of Shirts

To make your clothes to look like you ironed them (or as close as possible without actually ironing), put one part vinegar and three parts water in a spray bottle. Hang the clothing, spray it and leave it there for a few minutes. Most of the wrinkles will vanish, but you might smell a little like vinegar.
14. Flower Treatment

Help your bouquet of flowers last longer. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the water. Drop it in, stir it around, and then add the flowers. The vinegar’s anti-bacterial properties prevent bacteria from growing in the water (which you should still change every few days).
15. Eye Glass Cleaner

Spray or place a couple drops of white vinegar on each lens and rub them carefully with a soft cloth. (First run the lenses under water to remove any dirt that might scratch the lenses when you rub them with the cloth.) The acetic acid in the vinegar will remove from the lenses grease, dirt and oil from your skin, letting you see the world clearly again.
16. Pot Cleaner

If you have pots that have tough stains, put vinegar on the job. Add equal parts with water to the pot or pan, turn on the fire and boil it for about five minutes. Don’t let the steam scare you. When it’s done, your pot will look marvelous.
17. Coffee Pot Cleaner

Fill your coffee pot half with white vinegar and half with water. Insert a clean filter to catch any sediment, then pour the water-vinegar mixture in the reservoir and turn on the coffee maker. After it runs, let the liquid cool and use it to scrub away any coffee stains on the pot. Finally, “brew” one or two pots of only water to remove any traces of vinegar.
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