You earned your retirement, and you deserve to spend it with as much money in your pocket as possible.
If you’re a retired vet and you’re on the lookout for top discounts, we’ve compiled just the list for you: a tailored-made lineup of all the best discounts that vets in their golden years can take advantage of. Check out these incredible discounts and start saving now!
1. Never Pay a Repair Bill Again? Life-Proof Your House And Everything In It With This Program
Servicemembers understand the value of warranty. As vets, you did your fair share of damage control during your time in uniform, and you know the need to have everything in your life well taken care of for the future.
What if you could give your home the same treatment?
Yes, that’s right: with a Home Warranty Program, you can actually cover the big-ticket items in your house—things like your fridge, dishwasher, A/C—by a low-cost warranty plan, and pay nothing for repair service if they break!
2. Slash Your Monthly Mortgage Bill
You served your country with honor, never wavering in the face of adversity. As the cost of living skyrockets in today’s world (and fixed incomes remain fixed), it can be difficult for retired veterans to make ends meet.
If this sounds like your monthly struggle, don’t worry. You could qualify for a program which was designed to ease the monthly burden on distinguished retirees.
The Home Affordable Refinance Program is ideal for those who served in uniform; working with you to take control of your home loan once again and get your finances back on track. Here’s how it works: if you’re eligible, you can refinance your home and substantially lower your monthly mortgage payments. Actually, people end up saving an average of $2400 per year when they refinance through HARP!
If lowering your monthly payments, paying off your home faster, and an extra $290/mo in HARP savings would make your life easier, this could be the most valuable discount program found on this list. What do you have to lose (except a lot of stress?)
3. Auto Insurance Savings for Veterans
You’ve been driving for decades. In fact, you’ve driven all over the world! Your time in service has required that you adapt behind the wheel, and this is a skill that insurance companies should reward you for having.
In fact, you shouldn’t have to pay over $50 per month for your auto insurance, period. How can you get this price point, you ask?
Check out Auto Savings. They’ll ask you a few brief questions about your driving history, then connect you to the top prospective insurers. You’ll be able to take your pick from the lowest bidder with the highest coverage to find a plan perfect for you.
4. ADT Offers Veterans An $850+ Discount On A Home Security System
You served with distinction for years to buy a home; the last thing you want is an intruder coming to burgle you…right?
And yet, despite this obvious answer, only 17% of American households are equipped with a home alarm system!
Guess what else? A little-known secret is that most home insurance policies will offer a 10% to 20% discount to those who have a home alarm system installed! You’re not only protecting your assets… but essentially, you’re getting paid to protect them!
Here’s the good news: many home alarm companies offer their services at a steep, steep discount. Take ADT, for example: they currently offer $850 in FREE security equipment plus a $100 Visa gift card.
What’s stopping you? This service pays for itself!
5. Got Unsecured Debt? Consolidate It For Lower Interest Rates!
Stepping into civilian life can be pretty daunting. Doing it with existing unsecured debts can make it even more of a challenge. Debt Settlement allows you to combine all your unsecured debts into a single monthly payment. Generally this allows for much lower payments on a monthly basis than the sum total of the separate debts – making life a lot more manageable. There are many firms out there who will walk you through the process making it simple and painless. If you have more than $20,000 in debt then this is something you should do right away, especially if you have credit card debt. You can get the best quote to settle all your unsecured debt by clicking the link below.
6. Save Up To 70% On Health Insurance
Not unlike life insurance, many retired servicemembers dread the idea of purchasing private healthcare after so many years under the protective wing of Uncle Sam.
And yet, if these retirees don’t qualify for Medicare, they’re caught in a terrifying riptide: never having to worry about healthcare, suddenly thrust into a strange new world of sky-high premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and cost shares.
Does this scenario sound familiar? If so, then is the place for you.
This is the definitive resource for vets looking to purchase healthcare policies at reasonable rates, and all it takes it a couple of minutes to generate your first round of quotes.
Get started now! See how much can save you on premiums each month.
7. Life Insurance For Veterans As Low As $9/mo
There’s no easy way to say it: life doesn’t go on forever. You want to make sure that your days as a retired veteran are spent in the most stress-free ways possible—therefore, you need to know that your loved ones will be secure after you’re gone.
This is where National Life comes in. By using their side-by-side estimator, you can compare quotes from top companies and select the policy that best fits your monthly budget.
Let these companies work for you. After all, you’re the consumer! Go ahead, take a look at tailor-made quotes for your price point and pay less for life insurance today.
8. Keep Your Blood Sugar AND Your Spending in Check
We can all agree on one thing: the older we get, the more our bodies seem to mystify us. Pants that fit us for decades now tug at the waistlines, and foods we enjoyed for years seem to snag right onto the hips. Regardless of how much calorie math you try to figure out, the equation never seems to balance itself.
As counterintuitive as it seems, healthy blood sugar is part of the answer. But understanding the backdrop of how all this works is a science in and of itself…and who has time to learn all that? You’ve got a life to live. You need a solution NOW.
And we’re here to give it to you.
Say hello to Glucocil softgels, the newest blood sugar regulator hitting the shelves. Tested by 149 lab studies (including major American universities and the US Department of Veterans Affairs), this supplement is designed with Veterans in mind: to regulate sugar in aging bodies and keep the blood pumping. For a limited time they’re offering Veterans a 15-Day Free Trial.
9. Love Online Isn’t Just For Rom-Coms
Looking online to find a love interest seems like the stuff of romantic comedies, never able to truly work in real life, right?
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. It’s easier now than ever to meet someone online and is offering a free trial membership to veterans so you can take a peek at who is out there for you.
Here’s how it works: the information you enter in your member profile is scanned into the database and measured against the information of all other eHarmony members for possible compatibility based on shared interests, goals, and backgrounds.
You can choose from a list of potential partners in your geographical area who have been expertly selected for you based on compatibility algorithms, ensuring the best possible fit for you.
10. Get a Discount at Your Favorite Stores
When you were in the service, it was an undoubtedly nice perk to be able to pile on the discounts at the register because of your duty status.
But who says those discounts have to end?
You may be retired now, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t eligible to take advantage of incredible deals at several major retailers! Stores like Belk, Banana Republic, Kohl’s, and more will give you a chunk off your total purchase.
11. Veterans Can Save Substantially on Car Repairs with FIXD
If one thing unites every American citizen across the nation, it’s this: the check engine light in your car is probably the most irritating part of owning a vehicle. When it lights up, all bets are off when it comes to determining what, exactly, is the source of the problem.
Rather than take your car to a mechanic (who sees a golden opportunity to squeeze a few extra bucks out of you), there’s a better solution: FIXD.
This pocket-sized device plugs right into your car’s dashboard and instantly diagnoses your car’s issues onto your phone screen in plain English. There’s no complicated car talk, no inflated price points—just simple language and to-the-point prices so that you can get moving.
Never get scammed at the garage again. Click the link below to find out more about FIXD.
12. Never Pay For Cable Again? This Device Allows You To Watch Your Favorite Channels For Free
You laced up your boots every day for years, and now it’s time for you to sit back and relax. What better way to enjoy your retirement than to flop down in front of the TV and catch up on your favorite shows?
But here’s the biggest secret that TV providers won’t ever tell you: there’s actually no reason to pay for cable service.
That’s right, with the SkyLink HD Antenna, you can legally stream hundreds of your favorite channels for free, right from your television. Setup takes seconds, there are no ugly cords in the way—just a sleek box that you’ll hardly even notice.
Curious to learn more? Click the link below and stop wasting money on cable!
13. Keep America Beautiful By Going Solar—Here’s How
You fought with honor for this country—so of course you want to preserve it.
Here’s some exciting news: residents in certain ZIP codes across the USA qualify for a little-known federal refund plan called the Renewable Energy Tax Credit which not only outfits their home with solar panels, but puts cash in their pockets to do it.
It’s a win-win situation: one on hand, you’re looking at substantial monthly savings on energy costs and on the other, you’re staring at an upfront influx of cash—just for participating!
Do yourself a favor and click the link below to see if your ZIP code qualifies for the tax credit.
14. The #1 Way Veterans Are Relieving Joint Pain After Service
After decades of drills, duty, and dedication to your country, your joints may need a little extra help.
If this rings true for you, we’ve got what you need.
Instaflex Advanced is the key to alleviating fiery, aching joints. When taken once daily, this supplement will have you feeling spry and agile again, providing cushioning and flexibility to your joints that you haven’t felt in years!
Check this out: our readers can take advantage of a completely FREE two-week trial for a very limited time. This is normally a $30 value, and stock is limited, so be sure to act fast.
Click the link below to grab your free sample before they’re all gone!
15. Take Advantage of Hotel Room Discounts
Your duty days on the road are behind you, but that doesn’t mean that your time spent traveling needs to come to a close. And guess what? Countless hotels offer extra perks not only to veteran servicemembers, but guests over 55 years of age as well!
For example, if you make reservations in advance, many hotel chains will gladly tack on a 10, 15, sometimes even 20% discount…just because you’re over 55!
When it comes to hotels, sleep on savings.
16. Feel the Freedom of Portable Oxygen
Deployments have taken you all over the world. You’ve breathed air on other continents, and filled your lungs with the oxygen from foreign lands.
Now, though, you may need a little extra help.
Luckily, INOGEN ONE has developed a portable oxygen container that makes the thought of lugging tanks (which can weigh over 100lbs!) a thing of the past. With the INOGEN ONE system, you’re carrying a lightweight, electronic system that weighs a mere 2.8lbs!
Take a breather from traditional tanks and grab this offer before it’s too late: right now, you can get a free kit directly from the manufacturer! That’s right—you can sample these supplies at no cost to you…because breathing is a right, not a privilege.
17. Take Advantage of Your Hard-Earned Equity
Here’s the thing: we get it. Your home is your greatest asset, one of the things you’ve worked hardest during your years in uniform to obtain, and the last thing you want is to jeopardize it with a scary-sounding loan.
When you hear “reverse mortgage,” it can sound like someone is taking something away from you—when really, it’s just a fancy term for “borrowing equity from yourself.” A lot of people make this process a lot harder than it needs to be, but essentially, that is what it boils down to: taking a helping hand from the equity you’ve built up during your years in service to your country. When you need it the most, the help is there. Why not take it?
To learn more about reverse mortgages, how they work, and how much you can save each month (most people can save hundreds of dollars on a monthly basis!), check out quotes from Lending Tree. You’ve paid your bills on time for decades. Now it’s time to get a little something back.
18. Keep The Roof Over Your Head—For Less
While we’re on the subject of home ownership, what’s more important than the literal roof over your head? If you’ve got a leak, a hole, or a loose shingle, you understand the gravity of the situation—you’ve got to fix it…and fast!
If you find yourself in this debacle, don’t fret. We’ve got you covered.
Did you know that there are an average of 15 roofing specialists within 15 miles of most housing developments? Better yet, Military discounts are as popular with roofers as home improvement stores. After visiting the link below, qualified roofers near you will compete for the lowest quote to earn your business—and all you have to do is pick one to come and get the job done. It’s that easy.
19. Don’t Drive Your Auto Warranty Into the Ground
You understand the need for a vehicle. In our great nation, people usually can’t get from Point A to Point B without some form of personal transportation—which means that you need your trusty automobile to last as long as possible.
Most cars come with a 3-year/36,000 mile warranty at the time of purchase, but what happens after that expires?
You’re stuck paying for costly repairs, that’s what. And as we mentioned before, mechanics may not be so honest, even to a retired veteran who served his or her country with distinction.
Do yourself a favor. Click the link below to learn about the process of extending your car’s warranty so that you can avoid expensive repair costs popping up in the future.
20. Treat Yourself to a Meal—For Less
Okay, we all know that on Veteran’s Day, you can eat for free in many restaurants in America. But what if we told you that you don’t have to wait for the 11th of November to get your next restaurant discount?
That’s right: many of the restaurants that offer a free meal to active duty and retired servicemembers! The best part? This discount is normally applicable any day of the year!
Save yourself a few bucks. When you’re in a restaurant—be it a fast-food chain, a mom-and-pop-shop, or a sit-down place, ask your server about their veteran discount policy. You’ll be shocked at what you find!
21. Relax with a Discount on a Walk-In Tub
We’ll just come out and say it: it doesn’t matter who you are—a long, warm bath is rejuvenating. It has the power to zap away physical pain, anxiety, and it can reset your mental stopwatch.
And yet, as you grow older, it’s more and more difficult to hoist yourself in and out of a tub to enjoy this simple pleasure in life.
If you find yourself lamenting the loss of this relaxing amenity, don’t worry, because we’ve found a deal for you on a tub designed with Veterans in mind. The Dual Hydro-Jet Therapy System features a door for seamless, walk-in access to the tub’s interior! You’ll never have to strain your back for a bath again.
Want to get more information? Follow the link below for the lowest rates on accessible tubs today!
22. Don’t Let This Common Culprit Ruin Your Home!
Water is essential to life…but think about the damage it can do to your home. If you’re not properly protecting your house—which, for most, is their most valuable monetary asset—you can be in a world of trouble after just a few short years of leaves, pine needles, and sediment buildup in your home’s gutter systems.
Want to sidestep all this?
Check out Leaf Filter. With three layers of expertly-designed protection against the elements, Leaf Filter works to combat against not just leaves, but any type of debris from trees or foliage that can clog your gutters and lead to long-term home damage.
Ready to grab a free quote? Check out the link below to check out exclusive deals for vets and active duty servicemembers today!
EXCLUSIVE: Vets Rush To Get Their “Off The Books” Retirement Income
This might be the most important thing you see on the internet all year.
Most Veterans have never heard of this, but according to a very large financial publishing company, with a well funded investment you could collect up to $11,334 per month thanks to this “off-the-books” retirement income source that pays retired congressmen and government insiders millions each year…
Financial expert Teeka Tiwari reveals how the wealthy “insiders” have been collecting these checks for years in this new video presentation. Click here to watch now.