There are new ways retirees can turn their retirement funds into huge sums that have nothing to do with 401k’s or social security. In fact, these could grow much faster!
Retirees are often worried if they have saved enough to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. They’ve been told their whole lives to save for retirement, fund retirement accounts like 401ks and IRAs, as well as not take social security payments to early.
For many years before investing became mainstream, these types of funds were the only options available to retirees. Luckily, there are tons of new ways that can pay more than social security monthly, and grow faster than retirement accounts like IRAs. But it’s only possible for those who take advantage of these opportunities. Below is our list of the 7 best ways for seniors (and people of all ages) to make a fortune and save on expenses.
1) Get In On The Cybersecurity Boom Early
The Director of National Intelligence recently announced: “Cybercrime has surpassed terrorism as the No. 1 threat facing our nation”. His statement came days before the Equifax breach, which exposed the personal information of 143 million Americans. Luckily, a tiny Massachusetts-based company may have a way to thwart these vicious attacks once and for all. In a new video, cybersecurity expert Jeff Yastine details how this company discovered a simple line of computer code that acts as a vault for people’s information. And this company, now publicly traded, is looking for investors. In his breakthrough video, Yastine reveals how you can take a stake with as little as $50. Doing so will not only aid in the fight against “the No. 1 threat facing our nation,” it could also make you a fortune. This company has already set up accounts with some of America’s biggest corporations and is raking in $216 million annually (up 500% in the last four years).
2) A Tiny Device That Will Power 50 Billion Devices by 2020
Investing can be risky, but if you had invested $5,000 in Amazon when it first IPO’d, you’d now be worth at least $2.4 million today. Hindsight is 20/20, but a new video has been leaked on the Internet from Paul Mampilly (Ex Billionaire Hedge Fund Investor) who talks about a new technology which is set to surge 8,000% over the next four years, and will end up being bigger than the Internet . The research is incredibly thorough, and he explains step by step how you can invest in this new technology and reap the rewards, but you have to watch the video until the end. Now, it is always best practice to only invest money which you can afford to lose. This isn’t bitcoin or anything that volatile…so if you have a little money you can set aside, learning how to invest from an expert with a proven track record could just end up changing your life.
3) Slash Your House Payments with HARP
If you’re a homeowner born before 1985 and you want to save yourself thousands of dollars this year, there’s a government program that you might be able to take advantage of called HARP. The Home Affordable Refinance Plan (HARP) could help hundreds of thousands of Americans reduce their monthly payments by as much as $3,500 in their first year. The program was set to expire in 2017 but has been extended to 2018 for the time being. In order to qualify for HARP you’ll need good or excellent credit, so if you don’t have a very good credit rating then this probably isn’t for you. To check if you qualify visit HARP Approvals, and fill out the short quiz (take 2 minutes). If lowering your payments, paying off your mortgage faster, and having an extra $290 a month in HARP savings would help you, then this could be the easiest money savings tip you take.
4) A “Side Job” That Turned $50,000 into $5.3 Million
Jim Fink, a lawyer by training, has always been fascinated by the stock market during his time on Wall Street. So for the past 25 years, he’s been trading the market for extra cash. Over that time, he’s averaged about $185 per day – $185.06, to be exact. Some days are better than others of course, but over time it’s been a consistent $185 per day. It all adds up to $67,548 per year…and by 2001, his original $50,000 had grown into $5.3 million. Now, he has released his system that shows exactly what he’s buying and selling, you can copy me and make the exact same profits I do. Why not? All it takes is nine minutes a week. And you don’t have to invest a dime up front.
Thousands of men and women who had never traded this way in their lives are doing it. Some are already making well over $100,000 a year.
5) Freedom Checks – (Better than Social Security)
Here’s something many seniors have never heard of. Apparently, thousands of Americans are now signing up for “Freedom Checks”, these are checks that make social security and every other government program look insignificant. On February 1, 568 “designated entities” will begin paying out $34.6 billion to American Taxpayers as part of regulations to lower their tax rates. In a special video presentation, Financial Expert Matt Badiali reveals how anyone can start collecting these checks. You can learn more about “Freedom Checks” by clicking here.
6) 60-Year Old “Kennedy Account” Loophole Could Pocket Average Americans Thousands
America’s ultra rich have been quietly reaping huge returns from 60 year old legislation signed in our nation’s 35th president. JL Yastine reveals why Main Street America doesn’t yet know about this retirement-changing investment method and shows how average Americans are finally getting in on the action.
7) Bezos Bets Big On This “Gigantic” Technology
As CEO of Amazon and owner of the Washington Post, entrepreneur Jeff Bezos is certainly no novice when it comes to making billions. Now, he’s going public with an investment set to soar in the coming years, delivering America into a new golden era of financial freedom. And he’ll show you how to get in on this winning formula before it takes off. Watch video to learn more about Bezos’ big bet.
Bonus #1: “Where The Rich Hide Their Money”
Did you know 54 U.S. Congressmen recently admitted they use a secret “account” to claim up to 60 times more interest on their money than regular people? And, on top of that, they typically don’t even have to report this income to the IRS? Teeka Tiwari, the man responsible for $15 trillion in retirement savings, has just released a controversial new book. In it, he claims anyone, regardless of age, income, or wealth level, can retire years sooner thanks to the simple new “Immediate Retirement Plan”. Additionally, many Americans over the age of 55 qualify for a special, non-government, “guaranteed income program” that lets them collect up to $1,200 a month on top of Social Security.