Can Somebody Please Tell Me How These Dogs Did That?

9. Psycho Does Something Crazy

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In this story, Psycho saves the day. Little Maya Delarosa was playing in the mud with her sister when they heard a hiss and a rattle…and it wasn’t a toy. It was a rattlesnake, and it was about to strike. That’s when Psycho entered the picture, and by “enter” we mean he leapt onto the scene. The Chihuahua-poodle mix tipped the scales to only ten pounds, but it’s not the size of the dog in the fight; it’s the size of the fight in the dog. And this dog was known to pick fights with trucks and much bigger dogs. On this day, he leapt in between the two-foot killer snake and the girl and took the hit…right in the eyelid. The sisters survived, and so did Psycho, but the damage was so severe, Psycho had to lose his eye.



10. Trackr To The Rescue

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After the World Trade Center towers came down in New York City on September 11, 2001, America (and the world) held their breath waiting to hear news of survivors. One man and his dog couldn’t just sit there and wait. They drove 14 hours from Halifax to Manhattan to help. James Symington and Trackr arrived and started searching. Trackr found somebody! It was Genelle Guzman-McMillan, the woman who would wind up being the last survivor pulled from the rubble. Trackr was hailed as a hero and later was cloned to produce other lifesaving dogs. (Interesting side note, Mrs. Guzman-McMillan recalls a man named Paul holding her hand before Trackr found her, reassuring the pinned woman that help was on the way. Nobody knows who Paul was.)