Don’t Stand In The Door Frame…And 12 Other Tips To Survive Emergencies

5. Missile/Rocket Attack

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For this, we look to Israel where falling rockets are sometimes commonplace. And the best and safest place to be is in a bomb shelter. If you find yourself in Israel when the terrorizing air raid sounds, or in some other place when the wail of the siren fills the air preceding evil projectiles, get to a bomb shelter. Short of that, crouch beside walls or lay face down on the ground away from, say, your car, and cover your head. If you are indoors, get under a table or desk until the sirens stop.



6. Landslide

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If you are indoors, and you suspect or know that there is a landslide coming, move to the part of the building that’s opposite the approaching rush of mud. The American Red Cross suggests listening for the telltale signs: cracking trees or boulders knocking together. Get under the heaviest piece of furniture you can find and hold on to it. And pray it’s not as bad as the image above. If you are outside, the safest place to be is away from the landslide. If you can run away from it, there’s your answer. You just have to calculate its probable path. Also steer clear of river banks, trees, and utility poles.