Don’t Stand In The Door Frame…And 12 Other Tips To Survive Emergencies

7. Mugging

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The best place to be in a mugging situation is one mile in any direction from your current location. Unfortunately, that’s a fantasy. The safest thing to do is to take precautions to prevent yourself from being a mugging target. Don’t walk alone and don’t walk and use your phone for texting, talking, or playing, especially a phone somebody would want to snatch from you. Pay attention and stride with confidence. If you get mugged, give him what he wants without any lip and hopefully you’ll get to go home. Here’s a helpful but vulgar article that essentially says give up your goods and call the police right away.



8. Lightning Storm

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The safest place to be is indoors. And this is probably the place you prefer to be as electricity smacks the ground and thunder shakes you. However, if you are caught outside, stay away from tall objects standing alone. What if you’re in a car? Is that safe? It is if its exterior is all metal. In fact, it is this metal, not the rubber tires, that makes a car a safe place to ride out an electrical storm. Just don’t touch interior metallic areas, a writer from Accuweather warns.