Don’t Stand In The Door Frame…And 12 Other Tips To Survive Emergencies

9. Home Invasion

A burglar trying to get into a house by the backdoor
Image source:

If you hear somebody break into your home, the safest place for you to be is at your neighbor’s. If you can get out of the house, get out. You do not know who or how many are in your house or what weapons they have. If you can’t get out, have a safe room and a family plan. The room can be an interior closet. The Citizens Defense Training site recommends charging your cell phone in the safe room every night. If you have to retreat to this room at night, and the phone gets a signal, once you are locked in you can call for help even if your home line is disabled by the intruder. Remember to make sure the phone is on silent. 

10. Terror Attack

Image source: Top10Wala.In

Unfortunately, terrorists can attack in various ways. Let’s focus on a firearms attack. If the attack occurs indoors, the safest place to be is out of the building, so get out as fast and as safely as you can. Do not play dead. Get low and run. Once you are outside and safe, call the police. If you cannot get out and must hide inside, try to find a room and lock the door. If you can, barricade the door and then back away. Have the presence of mind to turn your cell phone to silent, not vibrate.