Do you know the difference between a habit, a compulsion, and an addiction?
Habit: Waking up early in the morning or always taking a certain route to work is a habit. Compulsion: Checking over and over again the front door is locked or lining up things in a certain way. Addiction: You must have or do something otherwise you feel withdrawal symptoms. Can you name the 15 most popular addictions?
1. Chocolate

Are you looking at this photo and salivating? If so, you may be addicted to chocolate. Besides fat and sugar, chocolate has substances that cause feelings of elation, excitement, and attraction. The term ‘chocoholic’ is commonly used among chocolate lovers. You may have heard the joke that a balanced diet is holding a bar of chocolate in both hands.
2. Coffee

If you would consider buying a t-shirt that says, “I’m sorry for what I said before I had my coffee” or “Death before decaf,” you are like 90% of Americans. You could be addicted to caffeine, a stimulant that will clear away mental fogginess and lack of alertness, if you must have that cup o’ Joe.
3. Sugar

Sweet tooth? Candy, cookies, cake, ice cream, soda. If you are drooling over this list, these little white cubes or crystals could be the reason. It is said a sugar addiction is more powerful than a cocaine addiction. How many times do you add sugar to food and drink each day?
4. Prescription Drugs

Can’t sleep? There’s a drug to help. Can’t focus? There’s a drug for that, too. If a doctor prescribes a medication to help with a symptom and the medication is used for this intended purpose, this is fine. Prescription drug abuse occurs when the medication is taken in a different way than the doctor prescribes. The most common misused drugs are pain medication, depressants, and stimulants.
5. Junk Food

It’s two hours before quitting time and you reach past the apple on your desk for a bag of chips. Are you addicted to junk food? If you can’t get through the day without some munchy crunchies, you might be. Companies have done a great job of putting addictive chemicals in their products that make you crave them, even when you aren’t hungry.
6. Cell Phones

Checking your phone even when you don’t hear a bing or ping is actually a disorder where you have an intense, irrational fear of being out of mobile phone contact. If your phone accompanies you to the bathroom because you can’t bear to spend minutes away from it, you could be addicted to your phone.
7. Internet

www.anytopicyoucanthinkof is what makes up the world wide web. The possibilities are endless from social media, shopping, informational articles, DIY, you name it. Click your mouse and you can travel to any destination…but wait! Don’t click…keep reading to learn about more addictions.
8. Television

Television is known as the plug-in drug. There is mindful tuning into your favorite show. On the other hand, channel surfing with the remote proverbially glued to your hand day and night may mean you need to click that boob tube off for a bit.
9. Smoking

Time for a smoke break? Tobacco contains nicotine, a highly addictive substance causing physical dependence. Quitting is extremely difficult, even though your friends may have done it hundreds of times. By the nature of this drug, cigarette smoking is synonymous with addiction.
10. Alcohol

“The bar tender said my morning green smoothie is called a mojito.” A glass of red wine with a meal or a little social drink in moderation is just that: moderation. If most days you’re having happy hour during all hours, alcohol addiction may be the cause.
11. Recreational Drugs

Pot, weed, reefer, Mary Jane. What are we talking about? Marijuana, of course. This drug and others such as cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy are known as recreational drugs. If you can’t stop using a drug or your drug use has led to unsafe behavior such as having unprotected sex or sharing needles, seek help.
12. Sex

The big “O” is a highly pleasurable experience and special part of a relationship. Although, if sex , particularly intercourse, is a compulsive act and interfering with daily living activities, you may have a sex addiction.
13. Shopping

Shop ’til you drop? Shopping can be a recreational activity. “Ooh—cool shoes. I must have them!” can be an act of impulse. See, buy, and enjoy. Compulsive shopping gives a rush of adrenaline from the act of purchasing something, not for wanting to own it. Compulsive shopping is considered a mental health disorder.
14. Gambling

“And…they’re off!” The thrill of a horse race as the long shot pulls ahead of the favorite horse. Casinos. Las Vegas. The cha-ching of coins in a slot machine. Rolling the dice (doubles, anyone?). These activities can be a fun treat, but when they become a lifestyle and debts are mounting, you’re gambling with more than money.
15. Video Games

Remember the “primitive” video games Pac Man and Mario Brothers? Pitfall and Breakout? They may be simplistic compared to today’s modern hi-tech graphics; however, the urge to get to the next level or beat your high score is very real. If you spend more time chasing Pokémon than chasing your dreams, take a break.
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